Brain Studio

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It is the weapon in hands not only concrete people, but the whole states.
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Welcome to the web site Brain Studio.

Be on the wave - visit News. Stay informed.

We are pleased to welcome you and offer you our services.

Reverse engineering of code - that's our job.
We are studying the code to detect errors and holes in the protection of software.

Visit Dongles for information about program copy of hardware protection dongles.

Visit KeyGens for to verify the possibility of creating a activation key generation for your protected software.

Visit Cracks  for to verify the possibility of bit hack (crack) for your protected software.

Sometimes there are some incredible things, your hard drive is broke and you lost the source code of your program. We can help you to recover part of the source code from compiled code. We can study the assembler code and try to restore it at any high-level program language (C, C++, C Builder, Pascal, Delphi, .NET platforms and etc.).
Visit Order explain your problem and we will try to help you.


You need to write a small program, driver, utilities, libraries, etc.
But you do not own programming languages.
We are ready to help you.
We support most programming languages, C, C++, C Builder, Pascal, Dephi, C# and .NET platforms.
Visit Order and we will help you in writing a small program


You will know more about us if you visit FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

We are glad to work with you!


This site was created and designed by Brain Studio.

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Skype: Glasha_GGS

Only use these sites to obtain reliable information.

We are in no way associated with any other websites or emails.

Be careful!!! Do not fall for the bait scams.

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Nothing illegal here (no any file, crack, patch, codes, keys, generators, dongle emulators links here), this is only site links resource as thousands other internet sites. Information on this website represents some compatibility list and is for our own knowledge. This absolutely does not mean that we are selling the illegal copies of these programs.

All trademarks, product names, and company names or logos cited herein are the property of their respective owners. All product names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names does not imply any co-operation or endorsement.

Ericsoft v2.07.06.61

FlexScan3D v3.3.5.8 x64 
Include all possible modules and any advance scanners.

MDE v12.75
Generate License file

datacolor Match Pigment Plus v3.3.0.40
datacolor TOOLS v2.1.1

Crack datacolor product license validation 
infraWizard 2020 v20.1.1
Generate activation codes
Technosoft IFC Manager v1.0
SleepRT v1.2 Patch pack 6
Possible include additional features in emulator.

Cut Rite v11
Possible activate all modiles

OpenCAD v4.2.1.10706
Solution only for x32 bit systems

PEPSE GT  08/02/02 v.6 (Gas turbine version) 

GibbsCAM 2007 v8.5

Cymcap v7.3 rev 3
Possible generate any license feature.

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We do not store any personal details.

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