Cymcap v7.3 rev.3 Dongle Emulator

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Cymcap v7.3 rev.3 Dongle Emulator

Checked by HASP SRM Dongle Emulator
Possible include all possible modules

The CYMCAP software is dedicated to the calculation of ampacity and temperature rise calculations for power cable installations. The accuracy of the software provides increased confidence when upgrading power cable installations and designing new ones; maximizing the benefits from the considerable capital investment associated with them. It also helps increase system reliability and supports the proper utilization of the installed equipment. 


The CYMCAP software is dedicated to performing ampacity and temperature rise calculations for power cable installations. Determining the maximum current power cables can sustain without deterioration of any of their electrical properties is important for the design of electrical installations. 

It addresses steady-state and transient thermal cable rating as per the analytical techniques described by Neher-McGrath and the International Standards IEC 287© and IEC 853©. 

This software was developed jointly by Ontario Hydro (Hydro One), McMaster University and CYME International, under the auspices of the Canadian Electricity Association. 

The validation of the results obtained with the CYMCAP software provides increased confidence when upgrading existing power cable installations and designing new ones, thus maximizing the benefits from the considerable capital investment associated with them. 

More information.

1. HASP SRM Dongle Emulator.
2. Possible include all possible modules.




ICS telecom EV v15.2.1 (x32 and x64)
Possible include additional modules
Possible change expiration date

EASYLABEL v6.2.2.1864
Possible make any license configuration:
Print Only, Terminal Server, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Multi User, Net Printer Server


Cut Rite v11
Possible activate all modiles

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FlexLm Full license crack.

Tex-Design - Tex-Store v8.00.234
Possible include all modules.

ASPAIN Prospect .rel 8.5
ASPAIN Pilot .rel 8.6

SPAC Automazione 2013-2015
Possible generate activation code.
AutoGuide v2.0.1
Generate Key.di activation file

COPRA® RF 2011 Standalone
Possible include all modules

LPC Composer v4.0.2

Cadna/A v3.6.117
Possible include all modules.

DVP Software v5.5
Powerful Photogrammetric Software

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